Saturday, February 7, 2009

January 18th, 2009

So, no email again...I considered not writing anything because I'm trying to write a hand written letter and I have no email to repond to and then I thought -- and if I had one last thing to say what would it be -- and why why would I give up the chance to say it, and so even though this is no last chance as far as we all know (all meaning anyone that might possibly read this, my family, my friends, the random people who look at that blog page dad keeps up, I think...) I decided to write and make sure everyone knows that I love them. I remember my years of writing "monthy Britney emails" to anyone who ended up with their address on my sender list. I wrote about whatever pleased me and I guess it was my version of a blog before they existed -- and I always ended by telling them all to remember I loved them and that however long it had been since we'd talked or seen on another that I was there if they needed anything. I figured it was my way of making sure no one was missed. Well, this is my "weekly missionary email" rather than my "monthy britney email" and I'm here to tell you all that even though it's been four days short of a year since I've seen any of you and today I got no email and the past month I've had no mail -- I love you all (and that thing about the email and mail had nothing to do with my chastising but maybe I'm just feeling it a little more because it's been a while since I've read your words and a year is quite the point to reach all at the same time!) I'll be sending you pictures of Sister Racquel's baptism in my letter today. She amazes me, her faith...she prayed us to her and informed us that she's continuing to pray that we'll never leave -- who knows I might end my mission here if her faith keeps up :) Of course we know, and according to my last email on faith, that it doesn't really work that way. She will understand and I will too when or if I am transferred and I hope to find all the people in my new world that are praying me there also.
Thank-you to all of you and could you send me Ike's address because I don't think I have it anymore or maybe never did.
Love from the Philippines
Sister Landrum